isn't it amazing how music affects us?
mad, the way some words put together can just make ur day sometimes
sure some might say there's other things to music
such as
the soft strums of the piano strings
the pluckings of an acoustic guitar
the beats of a drum
but what gets me the most is the words
so funny how one word said one way make such a profound sense
and left to the perverse
turned into a joke
then u have techno
just nonsensical music made to make u move
lyricists and dj's should get together and rave this world
the other thing that i find simply amazing are scents
they say that scents actually stimulate the most memory
so can't remember a thing
but can remember how it smells
i guess memory is a huge thing
we've all read books where people ponder about the meaning of their existence
are we just people?
shells of life
without any character
as all of us are moulded by society into being a character
and if so
what differentiates us?
it's just like the evolutionary theory
some get to evolve and be stronger
and some just die....
but memories
they're something else altogether
have a friend who can't remember much of her childhood
i pity her
it's how i would imagine a clone would feel
living a life
unsure of how u got there in the first place.....
she started a journal to jot down her day to day events
how private are blogs?
imagine if u only gave ur blog address to specific people
people u wouldn't mind talking deep profound stuff to
people u know won't judge u if u told them these kind of things
if this people are truly how u perceive them to be
why not just tell them face to face?
is it because u do not trust them enough
afraid of being judged?
being taken as the person with so many problems
that u just blow out of proportion
because thats how we like our problems
blown out of proportion
then we wouldn't give two nuts about what a stranger thinks
funny isn't it?
we care so much about the way our world looks at us
that is our friends, family, acquaintances
but we can completely ignore a stranger's comments
tell yourself
he doesn't know me
he doesn't understand jack shit
he shouldn't judge me
but then again
u don't want ur friends to judge u honestly
what then?
today's message was brought to you by the word : POEMS