here's a riddle,
what's not shared but much sought after
and when shared
you'd wish it wasn't sought after?
a secret.
here's a secret
humans are the biggest form of disappointment ever
it's funny how
we like to take things into our own hands
and not believe that humans are the most complex things in the world.
how we like to believe that everything is predictable.
how we think we're always right
and how we fail to see
that beyond our linear plane of thinking
that plane that is so predictable,
so straightforward and limited,
there is another plane
of the unimaginable
the unthinkable
and that plane is what we call
we can be so naive as to think
that everybody else thinks like us
that we can think like everybody else
and find out what their next step is
to know what they are going through
and have the exact emotions run through our mind.
and arrive at our own conclusions.
now don't get me wrong
these conclusions are alright
it's when you act upon them
when you take the first step
in trying to aide a friend doesn't need aide
in trying to confront a friend that has nothing to hide.
thats when things get dodgy
whats more
the ignorant
not the naive anymore
mind you
these are people who can be so oblivious to the world around them
as to not see that they could be wrong
and not believe what the other person is saying
to those who possess
the intuition
the heart
the sensitivity
to arrive at the right conclusions
i use this words because thats exactly what it is
an unknown thing
that is ingrained
not taught
not learnt
not through experience
but given
being able to act upon their conclusions
in their words and actions
with heart and compassion
are given the honor of
today's message was brought to you by the word : EVERYTHING
May 30, 2007
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