July 15, 2007


how long has it been since you last were a hypocrite?
how long has it been since you last succumbed
to being a part of the norm
the norm
that tells us to be nice
to be polite
to be a friend


to be a liar
to be a conman
to be one who commits themselves
to underlying lies and cheats
and trick and deceive
the people closest to them
for they truly are the easiest ones

such an art
and yet
so easy to be broken
all it takes is one of its own
to deceive the deceiver
to betray one's trust

when that one
has been a hypocrite themselves
to lie
and betray
only to be betrayed themselves
would that not be salt in the wound?

u want to live with them for they think they know the world
they can manipulate
they can toggle
they can toy
they can play with
with concerns of what they think is right
with thoughts of their ideals
their ideals
of how the world should turn
of so many things
that are never under their control


they choose to pass judgment
they choose to acknowledge their superiority
over their ignorance

and they pass their own judgment

today's message was brought to you by the word : BURN