my second blog?
surprise surprise..... just when u tot things couldn't get weirder
i have to go about and start blogging again....well, wont be givin the same excuses as before.....
the only reason i HAVE to start this new blog is cos memory kinda fades when u dont use it much eh?
so yes laff it up.......i forgot how to login to blog.......or more like forgot my password.....or something along those lines......hope i dont forget this one
so wats new from apples? u can see.....
the site's called table space
figured somethin out today
i can get pretty emo with a standard wooden table in coll
or maybe econs is that boring
but its nice......
dont keep a diary....dont tink i can stand to look at my own writing for fun....
happy to use huge amount of space on table
plus blogskins i can make myself
more like a 6 hr art class for me in college
and no need for lousy login shits that can be forgotten
plus it seems that life is a clean slate everyday
as though u're really waking up to a new start ( big shoutout to college cleaner ladies)
something not even nescafe can do man......
so update on everything else in life since philosophical apples
have many regrets so far in this year
have committed myself to so much
just to see them all fall at my feet with my hands grasping at blank straws
but am picking up the pieces
so a phenomenon is happening like really soon
like nov 27th kinda soon.....................
have learned heaps in like 3 mths
(i tink........not sure when my last post was)
life is wat u make of it......although getting up after falling down is the hardest thing to do, u just have to.......take a pass on the suicidal thoughts because you're more worth than that.....bask in your emo-ness because it only happens when u need long as you can live with who's staring back at you in the mirror then you're doin fine.......
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